Monday, December 6, 2010

Howe About Equality – Belmont University Students, Faculty and Alums Protest Lesbian Coach’s “Resignation”

Students at Belmont University are protesting the so-called “resignation” of women’s soccer coach, Lisa Howe, who is a lesbian (See my previous blog post for more information).

Affirming my faith in a younger generation of Christians, students, faculty and community members who staged a protest yesterday at Belmont and another is planned for Wednesday. In addition, a letter writing campaign is underway led by the unofficial LGBT group on campus (they were denied official recognition by the administration) and new Facebook groups in support of Coach Howe are popping up, one is called “Howe about Equality.” The faculty at Belmont is preparing a resolution protesting Howe’s dismissal to be presented to the college president.

If you want to support these protests, check my previous blog post for contact information for the Belmont President and Athletic Director.


  1. I clicked through to the story of Lisa Howe and found her an inspirational young woman and gives me some hope for the future! Being from the west - I was unfamiliar with Belmont University but was not surprised to see that it is located in Tennessee.
