Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NCAA Pulls Focus on the Family Ads

Yippee! Our voices were heard. I just got word that the NCAA is pulling the Focus on the Family ads that have been running on the NCAA.com web site. No decisions have been made about future ads, so maybe we need to make sure the NCAA gets it that ANY ads from FOTF associated with the NCAA in any way are unacceptable.


  1. You are guilty of the total lack of tolerence you assert this organization has. It's the ultimiate in hypocracy.

  2. Sorry but you are wrong. It is not intolerant if you or calling out an organization for hate speech. Would it be intolerant to ask the NCAA not to accept an ad from the KKK or the Nazi party? No and the same holds true here.

  3. So, Tim, Focus on the Family calling upon us to “Celebrate Families, Celebrate Life” is somehow the same as the mission of the KKK or the Nazi party. I suppose you can choose to be Jewish or not, but other than that, I'm afraid you've lost me. Sorry.

  4. Timmy,
    You maka no sensa. Does your mommy know you are playing on the computer again?

  5. What a load of dung that comes out of your hypocritcal mouth pat griffin!! You are the most hate filled person i have ever heard!! We Will Boycott any one who supports your lying Rants!!

  6. Free speech is ok only as long as you agree evidently. Typical liberalism. Shut down anyone and everyone who disagrees with you. Dont listen, or try to understand those who think differently than you. All points of view are valid as long as they are mine!

  7. I have just heard the most astonishing thing ever spoken. A religious organization that is actively promoting helping families and keeping them healthy is right-wing extremist behavior equivalent to supporting concentration camps and burning crosses? Regardless of the issue in which one believes most strongly, there can't really be a single person in the entire United States who thinks that struggling families should not receive help in restoring healthy interaction to their relationships, can there? This doling out of therapeutic treatment to the needy must stop! This entire rant and string of posts is one of the most ignorant opinions I've ever read.

  8. Pat, In love I say to you that Focus on the Family has the same right to their beliefs and freedom of speach as you do. Why would you not tolerate their message of love, family and life? Because it doesn't agree with your view? This is very sad. I hope that your eyes will be opened to the error in your logic.

  9. "However, we must draw a line when it comes to the involvement of non-profit educational organizations like the NCAA that represent educational institutions whose mission and values do not square with those of FOTF."

    Yes, lets limit involvement with those institutions to a vocal minority of gay and lesbian activists. Only an extremist would consider the FOTF positions to be in conflict with mainstream America.
    I don't care what you do, but don't hand me this crap that I've got to accept homosexuality as normal - it's not (mathematically - look at the numbers). Tolerance of homosexuality shouldn't mean that those in the mainstream can't express our opinions concerning more normal lifestyles.

  10. Pat.
    I am curious if the NCAA has a consultant for Christian Conservative issues? I doubt it!! This is the most intolerant thing I have seen coming out of liberal college world in a while!!

    I hate to tell you this...it might be a secret in your closed little liberal world....100% OF THE CHILDREN THAT COME TO YOU TO BE INDOCRINATED, WERE NOT ABORTED AND CAME FROM THE PROCREATION OF A MAN AND A WOMAN, NOT A WOMAN AND A WOMAN OR A MAN AND A MAN!! I know this might be new information to you, but unfortunately no matter what you believe...this is a fact!!

  11. I have CLOSE ties to NCAA personel...and it should be known that this issue was debated in an extremely vigorous and spirited way...and what happened was the result of minority opinion "outranking" the most widely held view...fyi I would estimate @least 15% of NCAA staff are openly gay....w/ many more closeted by their own choice...not a lack of acceptence.

  12. We still live in America, don't we. What right did the NCAA have to pull the Focus on the Family Ad. God Bless American

  13. A religious organization that is actively promoting helping families and keeping them healthy is right-wing extremist behavior equivalent to supporting concentration camps and burning crosses.

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